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Return a list of current user's public links listpublinks
There is no metadata for each link, instead each link has isfolder field and fileid or folderid field.
Takes no parameters
Returns all user's public links in array publinks. For each link the following fields are provided:
Field | Description |
linkid | int this id can be used to delete or modify the link |
code | string see getfilepublink |
link | string see getfilepublink |
created | datetime date of the link creation |
modified | datetime date of last link modification |
isfolder | bool true if the link is to folder |
folderid | int the ID of the folder, if isfolder=true |
fileid | int the ID of the file, if isfolder=false |
traffic | int traffic consumed so far by this link (bytes) |
Field | Description |
shortcode | string see getfilepublink |
shortlink | string see getfilepublink |
Field | Description |
expires | datetime date/time the link will expire (or has expired) |
Field | Description |
maxdownloads | int maximum number of downloads for this link |
Field | Description |
maxtraffic | int maximum traffic for this link |
It is up to the implementations to detect and properly display links that have expired or reached the download or traffic limit.
{ result: 0, publinks: [ { isfolder: false, traffic: 2027520, created: "Thu, 03 Oct 2013 13:06:04 +0000", fileid: 618279, linkid: 11660, downloads: 0, modified: "Thu, 03 Oct 2013 13:06:04 +0000", code: "fileCode", id: "f618279", link: "" }, { isfolder: true, traffic: 0, created: "Thu, 03 Oct 2013 13:11:44 +0000", id: "d21721", linkid: 11670, downloads: 0, folderid: 21721, code: "folderCode", modified: "Thu, 03 Oct 2013 13:11:44 +0000", link: "" } ] }
Code | Description |
1000 | Log in required. |
2000 | Log in failed. |
4000 | Too many login tries from this IP address. |