Reset Password
Check your e-mail for further instructions.
These parameters are skipped in the methods description, since they are common for them.
Parameter | Description |
id | if set to anything, you will get it back in the reply (no matter successful or not). This might be useful if you pipeline requests from many places over single connection. |
timeformat | if set to timestamp all datetime fields will be represented as UTC unix timestamps, any other value leaves the default date format and is meaningless. The default datetime format is Thu, 21 Mar 2013 18:31:45 +0000 (rfc 2822), exactly 31 bytes long. |
getauth | If set to any value upon successful authentication an auth token will be returned. Auth tokens are at most 64 bytes long and can be passed back instead of username/password credentials by auth parameter. This token is especially good for setting the auth cookie to keep the user logged in. |
filtermeta | If it is set, it is supposed to be a coma (with no whitespace after it) separated list of fileds of metadata that you wish to receive from all calls returning metadata. This may be used to eliminate fields that you don't use and thus reduce the amount of traffic and parsing required for communications. If set to empty string/0 restores the default all value. You don't need to send this with every request, once per connection suffices. |
filterfilemeta | same as above, but only has effect of meta of the files. |
filterfoldermeta | same as above, but for folders. |
revisionid | All methods that take fileid or path as parameters to identify a file can also take optional parameter revisionid to choose a revision of the file. This makes sense only in some cases like for example with getfilelink or copyfile and is meaningless with deletefile as the file itself will be deleted in any case. |
logout | If set, logouts current connection. Logout is performed before processing any login parameters. In order to switch the logged user on a connection both logout and any form of authentication should be present. |
username/password | Username and password in plain text. Should only be used over SSL connections. |
username/passworddigest/digest | Digest authentication. digest is to be received before logging in with getdigest passworddigest is to be computed as sha1 hash of concatenated user's password, sha1 of lowercase of username and received digest. In both cases sha1 is presented as 40 byte hex with lowercase letters. |
access_token | This is an OAuth 2.0 bearer token that is used to authenticate your app. This token could be received by the code or token authorization flows using the methods - authorize and if code flow is used - oauth2_token. |
device | string Identifies the device that is requesting auth token from the server. This is required for the binary protocol. For the HTTP JSON protocol, this field defaults to the HTTP User-Agent header. |
authexpire | int Define the expire value of authentication token, when it is requested. This field is in seconds and the expire will the moment after these seconds since the current moment. Defaults to 31536000 and its maximum is 63072000. |
authinactiveexpire | int Define the expire_inactive value of authentication token, when it is requested. This field is in seconds and the expire_incative will the moment after these seconds since the current moment. Defaults to 2678400 and its maximum is 5356800. |