Receive a zip file link for files in the user's filesystem.
Recognizes the same parameters as getzip.
Expects as parameter a defined tree.
Unlike getzip, returns a download link(s) the same way getfilelink does - returns path, hosts and expire.
Note : This call is less efficient than getzip as the zip archive is created on our servers and only then you get a download link. So as fast as our servers are, it may take time to create a large archive.
The parameter maxspeed may be used if you wish to limit the download speed (in bytes per second) for this link.URL
Parameter | Description |
maxspeed | int limit the download speed (in bytes per second) for this link. |
forcedownload | int If it is set, the content-type will be 'application/octet-stream', if not - 'application/zip'. |
filename | string If it is provided, this is sent back as 'Content-Disposition' header, forcing the browser to adopt this filename when downloading the file. Filename is passed unaltered, so it MUST include the .zip extension. |
timeoffset | string desired time offset |
On success it will return array hosts with servers that have the file.
The first server is the one we consider best for current download.
In path there will be a request you should send to server.
You need to construct the URL yourself by concatenating http:// or https:// with one of the hosts (first one) and the path.
{ result: 0, path: "/dFZ73Y0ZtdPJZ3lZZhipqC7ZNVZZmb0ZHQp8Ed85S8HL874JvyYgMY8C1tbk/My%20picture.jpg", expires: "Thu, 03 Oct 2013 01:06:49 +0000", hosts: [ "", "" ] }
Code | Description |
1000 | Log in required. |
1017 | Invalid 'folderid' provided. |
1018 | Invalid 'fileid' provided. |
2000 | Log in failed. |
2009 | File not found. |
2011 | Requested speed limit too low, see minspeed for minimum. |
4000 | Too many login tries from this IP address. |
5001 | Internal upload error. |
5002 | Internal error, no servers available. Try again later. |